About Us
We know academia
Our team has solid experience of various roles within academia. We work, or have worked, as researchers, lecturers, post docs, TA staff, directors of studies for undergraduate and advanced level as well as doctoral education, and supervisors of doctoral students. All of us have a PhD.
Our coworkers

Ã…sa Burman
Reader (Docent) & Workshop leader
Åsa is the founder of Finish On Time and author of the book: The Doctoral Student Handbook (Natur & Kultur 2017). She is Reader (Docent) in practical philosophy at  Stockholm  University. Åsa applies the 80/20 principle to most things, including the morning coffee.
Ã…sa Burman did her doctorate in practical philosophy at Lund University. She specializes in social ontology in her research, and is passionate about educational development. She previously worked as a management consultant at McKinsey & Company. Ã…sa has been a Fulbright scholar at the University of California, Berkeley, where she also discovered practical dissertation writing. At the beginning of 2023, her book Nonideal social ontology: The power view was released. New York: Oxford University Press.

Henrik Levinsson
Reader (Docent) & Workshop leader
Henrik is associate professor in psychology at Lund University and has also worked as director of studies for five years. During 2020-2022 he was CEO of Finish On Time. He uses different kinds of coping strategies to deal with the various assignments including winter baths as relaxation.
Henrik Levinsson is associate professor in psychology at Lund University. His research concerns autonomy and is in the borderland between psychology, philosophy and medicine. Henrik has a genuine interest in educational development work, and he has received an educational award for best lecturer. In 2012, he was appointed as a Qualified Teaching Practitioner (QTP) by the Pedagogical Academy at the Faculty of Social Sciences at Lund University. Henrik currently teaches and supervises the psychology program. He has been working at Finish On Time since 2017.

Jenny Rickardsson
Med. Dr, lic. psychologist & Workshop leader
Jenny did her doctorate at Karolinska Institutet and she has previously worked as a journalist. Now she develops digital training courses in stress management. She sprinted through her thesis work using the important-urgent matrix.
Jenny Rickardsson has a PhD and is a licensed psychologist with an emphasis on the B in CBT, cognitive behavioral therapy. Her experience ranges from clinical work with children and adults to teaching psychology and journalism. Jenny works at Karolinska University Hospital and her research area is digital treatment with Acceptance and Commitment Therapy. Previously, Jenny worked as a journalist and she is still driven by the desire to convey exciting and important psychological knowledge in an understandable and useful way. She is the author of the book I think I have to talk to someone: A guide to therapy (Natur&Kultur 2014) .

Linde Lindkvist
Reader (Docent) & Workshop leader
Linde came into contact with Finish On Time during his dissertation period, and since then he has had a burning interest in how research processes can be made more effective and enjoyable. During the defense party, the unit song was sung.
Linde Lindkvist is associate professor in human rights at Enskilda Högskolan in Stockholm and an analyst at the Institute for Human Rights in Lund. In his research, he is mainly interested in issues related to the history of human rights, children's rights and freedom of religion. His thesis from Lund University was published by Cambridge University Press, 2017 with the title Religious freedom and the universal declaration of human rights.

Caroline Uggla
Reader (Docent) & Workshop leader
Caroline is passionate about academic writing and continuously developing our knowledge not only about what we write, but also how we do it. She has even had a writing corner named after her.
Caroline Uggla has a PhD in evolutionary anthropology (University College, London). She now works as a researcher in demography at SUDA, the Department of Sociology at Stockholm University and Ã…bo Akademi. Caroline works in research projects that use Swedish and Finnish register data to study patterns in family formation and partner choice, as well as its consequences. After reading the Finish On Time book, Caroline was taken by the method and is passionate about it reaching as many people as possible. She uses the unit method and the 80/20 principle on a daily basis to both feel good and to find time for her various projects. In 2023, she published a popular science book called Familjeformeln (Natur&Kultur) that has gotten extensive media coverage.

Miriam Thegel
PhD & Workshop leader
Miriam came into contact with Finish On Time in 2015 when she participated in workshops for doctoral students at Uppsala University. She has been working with the techniques since then and also shared her thoughts and experiences in the Doctoral Student Handbook.
Miriam Thegel has a PhD in Roman languages, with a focus on Spanish linguistics, and employed as a postdoctoral fellow at Uppsala University. Her current research project is linked to KU Leuven in Belgium. Miriam's research interests primarily concern semantics and grammaticalization. In addition to research, she also has a deep commitment to teaching. Among other things, she has received pedagogical development funds to start a mentoring program at the Department of Modern Languages ​​at Uppsala University and she has also been the leader of a project in teacher auscultation.

Katarina MÃ¥rtensson
Professor & Workshop leader
Katarina continuously uses end product focus, the unit method, weekly schedules and managing high performance demands to streamline her work and at the same time feel good. Her Boule technique is excellent as well.
Katarina MÃ¥rtensson has a PhD in higher education and pedagogical development and works as a professor at Lund University. She has a genuine interest in and great commitment to pedagogy. Katarina has worked with pedagogical development in higher education for the past 20 years. Through workshops and courses for doctoral students, teachers, supervisors, leaders and other teaching staff from the entire university, she provides support in the work to develop teaching and education. Katarina's research concerns, among other things, collegiality, professional development and leadership, and she has editorial experience from several international journals.

Ann-Marie & Per-Ã…ke
Inventory & Distribution
Ann-Marie and Per-Ã…ke are also referred to as "the stellar warehouse" for their stable and fast-paced handling of all our book orders. Their motto is to be so fast that they send the book before the customer even has thought about buying one...
Ann-Marie has spent her professional life within the Swedish Post and she knows everything about domestic and international parcels as well as customs declarations. Per-Ã…ke wraps all packages well and rushes quickly to the nearest delivery points as soon as the order arrives . Ann-Marie and Per-Ã…ke are Ã…sa Burman's parents. They support their daughter and the business in many different ways, including providing an entire room for the roughly 2,000 books in the warehouse.
Finish on Time in numbers
We have given workshops at nearly all of Sweden's universities and colleges during the past 12 years. The book has been distributed to 15 different countries.
Universities and colleges
Certified trainers
Geographical distribution